IS Progressive Education like Montessori?

While the teaching styles of Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia are aligned with the progressive model (i.e. students are encouraged to construct their own understandings and follow their interests to take ownership of their learning experience) they are associated with a single philosophy or pedagogy. Progressive educators who are not beholden to, or limited by, one single educational philosophy or curricula are free to construct an environment and learning experience that directly reflects the needs of their students -- instead of fitting the student to the classroom philosophy, the classroom fits itself to the students. The task of the progressive educator is to apply all possible knowledge of child development, educational research, and his/her current community of students to create the best possible learning environment. It is not uncommon to recognize influences from branded pedagogies (Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, etc.) in the progressive classroom.


Brittany will draw from student work to help families build the portfolios required by VT and NY home study regulations. As this is a collaborative effort and not a school, Families will also need to play an active role in building the portfolio.


Narrative assessments are the synthesis of the teacher's observations & recordings for each student as well as the information gleaned from formal assessments. Conferences with the classroom teacher and parents/caregivers will be held twice annually.

Families/caregivers are strongly encouraged to stay in close communication with their student's teachers.

School LOcation

Base camp for the Wildflower Collaborative is The Celery Compound in downtWest Pawlett, VT.


Why A k/1 Classroom?

The transition into primary school can be confusing and complicated for some families  -- particularly for those whose children are born in the later part of the year. The K/1 classroom of Sweetgrass School promises to ease some of this stress by offering an educational experience that is designed to meet the developmental needs of each student. Expectations for student progress are set individually but with the bigger picture in mind.


Wildflower Collaborative seeks to offer the best of both home school and “traditional” school worlds; time for family togetherness partnered with time for children to learn and interact with each other independent of parental influence. To preserve the authenticity of the classroom experience, we encourage families to allow this precious time and space for their children to work independently.

Families can expect there to be many opportunities to support the group and to get involved in meaningful ways.


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