Progressive Education, Progressive Elementary Bozeman, Independent School, Bozeman Schools, Elementary Schools, Elementary School Bozeman, Project Based, Play Based, Outdoor Education, Arts Education, Inquiry Based, Progressive School, Bozeman MT, M…
I have to say, Brittany’s class has been the most outstanding Kindergarten I have ever seen. Brittany is awesome. Her class turns with some kind of methodical brilliance and wisdom, like the universe; it sneaks up on you! And the academics all happen, kind of ... magically. It’s really rather amazing.
— Classroom Parent, The Downtown School

Brittany simply had a profound effect on me and how I conceptualize education and my approach to teaching. She is supportive, understanding, caring, and accepting at all times. She is adamant about what is best for children. Brittany is confident and considerate all at once, and her approach to working with others does not waver or change, for it is always a warm smile and exuberant appreciation for the person with whom she is speaking that leads the way. Her students feel it, the family members of those students feel it, and I felt it every day - a respect and understanding for the world around her that is uniquely Brittany.
— Colleague, The Downtown School

Thank you for creating a place where my kids truly and deeply understand what it means to be part of a community. From learning how their behavior affects others to owning their mistakes and having the ability to voice that, they have learned lessons that we will pull from for the rest of their lives. Brittany is truly a gift to these youngsters and has set them up for so much success in their lives.
— Classroom Parent, The Downtown School
Progressive Education, Progressive Elementary Bozeman, Independent School, Bozeman Schools, Elementary Schools, Elementary School Bozeman, Project Based, Play Based, Outdoor Education, Arts Education, Inquiry Based, Progressive School, Bozeman MT, M…

Brittany loves learning, she loves thinking, she’s a dynamic woman with lots of knowledge about the outside world and the creativity to inspire others.
— Professor, Bank Street College of Education

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Brittany allows children to be themselves, and it is clear her students feel known, loved, and honored.

I am so thankful Brittany showed us what 5-year-olds are capable of.
— Parent, The Parker School

Motivated, energized, innovative, inquisitive, determined, passionate are just a few of the words that characterize Brittany Denny. She is confident and open to try new things, and she can create something out of a small nugget of information. She works tirelessly to create meaningful experiences for children, to advocate for them, and to create a space for them to be themselves – honoring who they are and teaching them to honor others unconditionally.
— Colleague, Bank Street School for Children

It is so nice to be able to turn to my boys and have them talk about how they have dealt with difficult situations in school and the outcomes they have when an adult effectively guided them through a situation. To have [my child] be able to talk about what it was like for him when he has changed his own behavior toward another student and found a funny new friend was just amazing for me.
— Classroom Parent, The Downtown School

The children in Brittany’s class are active participants in curriculum development and empowered and confident in their role as learners. There is a sincere desire to discover, uncover, and formulate a personalized understanding of the subject matter being explored in Brittany’s classroom. It is contagious and permeates out to other students and teachers working in the general vicinity, for her students want to share all they have learned and engage others in their discoveries.
— Colleague, The Downtown School
Progressive Education, Progressive Elementary Bozeman, Independent School, Bozeman Schools, Elementary Schools, Elementary School Bozeman, Project Based, Play Based, Outdoor Education, Arts Education, Inquiry Based, Progressive School, Bozeman MT, M…

Brittany is able to skillfully differentiate her instruction and provide engaging, challenging, and interesting material for all of the students. She always encourages the children to work to their best potential, while also displaying the incredible patience necessary to work with five and six-year-olds.
— Colleague, The Parker School